
Showing posts from June, 2017

Birds and Bees: Good or Bad?

As  your garden expands, you will notice a greater influx of birds, bees, flying and crawling insects. First impression these critters are going to damage your plants, then you start to plan your extermination process. Stop!!!! all insects aren't harmful to your plants and are beneficial for the pollination process which enables fertilization. Don't worry about them, they are there for a reason.  Below are some pictures of the creatures I found in my yard. The first image shows a Lacewings insect, both the adult lacewings and their larvae eat aphids, caterpillars, mealybugs, scales, thrips and whiteflies. Angelica, coreopsis, cosmos and sweet alyssum plants will bring lacewings to your garden. The second image, shows two baby black birds, they also contribute to the ecosystem.  They eat insects including  aphids, mosquito, spiders and other bugs and aid in the pollination process. Here's a list of beneficial insects: 1. Bumble 2.Fly Predator 3.Fungus Gnat Predator 4.Lad

Corpus Christi: The perfect time to plant

Hi everyone, I hope you all got some advice on planting and used it wisely for Corpus Christi. In Trinidad and Tobago Corpus Christi is said to be a great day to plant. The local Agro store in my area was bubbling all day with customers. I also purchased some plants and planted it for the occasion. The first is a tomato  the second is a cucumber plant they both takes approx 5-6 mths to grow and bear. An important point to note, is the spacing between plants, take into consideration the projected size the plant will grow to and ensure there is enough spacing befor planting other plants close by. This is important because it can hinder the size of the the produce will grow to. The cucumber plants are planted close by, however,  these plants grow vertically and vine along the ground in any direction. Did you all plant, let me know?

Pink and White Jasmine Plant

 One evening walking around my block, approaching by neighbour's house I saw this plant. As I walked closer, I began to smell an amazing sweet floral scent emanating from the flowers.  I feel in love with this plant immediately. The next day I went over to the Agro shop explaining the colour and scent, since I didn't know it's exact name. She told me some interesting facts about this plant, it was brought here to Trinidad, by the indian indentured labourers from India. It is a family of the white Jasmine plant (also smells lovely). The scent is only secreted at night when the flowers are open. The scientific name is Jasminum Polyanthum. The flowers are used to make perfumes, which I tried recently and it smelt just as lovely and I use it every day. If you're interested in making the floral perfume, let me know in the comments below.

Desert Rose

This is a Desert Rose plant, I'm very surprised it's still alive, it was recently attacked by the mealy bug pest, which are small white bugs on and around the plant. But after a few uses with insecticide they were gone. If you're interested in knowing the type of treatment used fell free to let me know in the comments. Here are there required growing conditions: Light: Full sun Water: Daily depending on the sun exposure Soil: Well drained pH approx 6 (slightly acidic) Fertilizer: Controlled release fertilizer every three months

Time to learn about Thyme

One of my favourite seasonings I love to cook with is thyme. It's aroma is strong and great for seasoning any type of meat. This plant which I got as a seedling, has adapted quite well after I planted it in my garden, and is still quite small. However, when they do start to grow they begin to vine along the ground, so I advise that sufficient room is allocated for this plant. If you don't have enough space I recommend using sticks secured in the soil, about an inch away from the plant. The plant will then attach itself onto the stick, or you can use a string, (soft material which won't damage the plant) to tie them together. This will enable the plant to grow in an upward direction. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.


Hi, this is a new addition I recently got as a seedling. It's called Parsley its a biennial plant, which   means that the plant only grows back after two gardening seasons, just enough time to produce leaves, go to seed, and develop a substantial taproot, interesting!!!! Here are some fascinating facts: Parsley is a great way to boost flavor  and improve the look of a dish without adding sodium. Cancer prevention- Myricetin a flavonoid found in parsley has been shown to prevent cancer. They contain high amounts of chlorophyll which have been proven to be effective at blocking the carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic amines, which are generated when grilling foods at a high temperature. Diabetes  prevention- Myricetin has also been evaluated for its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Studies have shown that Myricetin can lower blood sugars and decrease insulin resistance. Improving bone health- Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated wi

Yes you can cook with this!

Basil is a common aromatic herb in  the mint family, including oregano and rosemary. Basil is of course, used to flavour a variety of dishes, but what is most surprising is the many health benefits that basil is scientifically proven to offer.  Here are a list: Anti inflammatory Antioxidant Cancer fighting Pain reducer Diabetes preventer Liver protector Blood vessel Protector Anti stress solution Immune booster Did you know that there are actually 35 different types of Basil? Keep viewing, I have another family of the basil to share with you.

Can you tell?

Sure looks like grass!!! These are chives, they have a light onion flavour and can be used in almost any dish. They are easy to grow for any non gardener. Here are a few tips for growing these.They can be planted both indoors and outdoors in any area where there is full sun. The soil needs to be fertile with proper drainage. Frequent watering is required, once a day. Plant chives at least 6 inches apart.


Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but not sweet as these ROSES!!!!! They really do smell superb. Did you know you can plant roses using a cutting from your own plant? These cuttings will shoot flowers in the short time of three weeks. Here's how it's done: Cut rose stem: Cut around the stem of the rose plant using a gardening knife, Don't cut the stem directly off, you just need to cut in  to about 2 cm. Apply rooting hormone and wrap: Apply rooting hormone to the cut area. Next wrap it with coco moss or coconut fibers. Over the covered stem wrap a piece of plastic and hold the plastic in place using wrapping twigs or normal string. Wait: In approximately 14-21 days rooting will start to appear from the stem. You will have to remove the wrapping to check for the newly grown root. Dig and Plant: Dig a hole large enough to hold the entire root and deep enough so that the stem joint is  two inches below the soil's surface. Place the plant in positi


What do you know about this beauty? There's a huge fuss and fright when it comes to growing orchids, since these plants are highly sensitive and requires attention. However, with a little extra care, these beauties flourish.This is one of my outdoor grown orchid. It's at a location where it obtains the morning sun and shade from the noon scorching rays. It's watered once preferably not at night. Most of my orchids are grown in clay pots with proper drainage and peat moss. Also coconut fibers or tree barks can be used. How do you grow your orchids?

Let's talk about orchids!!!

How many of you know the name and origin of this beautiful plant? Well if you haven't, it's called the Cattleya lobata , commonly known as the Lobed Sophronitis , which is a species of  orchid   endemic  to Brazil.