
Hi, this is a new addition I recently got as a seedling. It's called Parsley its a biennial plant, which means that the plant only grows back after two gardening seasons, just enough time to produce leaves, go to seed, and develop a substantial taproot, interesting!!!!

Here are some fascinating facts:

  1. Parsley is a great way to boost flavor and improve the look of a dish without adding sodium.
  1. Cancer prevention- Myricetin a flavonoid found in parsley has been shown to prevent cancer. They contain high amounts of chlorophyll which have been proven to be effective at blocking the carcinogenic effects of heterocyclic amines, which are generated when grilling foods at a high temperature.
  1. Diabetes prevention- Myricetin has also been evaluated for its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Studies have shown that Myricetin can lower blood sugars and decrease insulin resistance.
  1. Improving bone health- Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with a higher risk of boon fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption ( which parsley provides in just ten sprigs) improve bone health by acting as a modifier of bone matrix proteins, improving calcium absorption and reducing urinary excretion of calcium.
Such a small plant with great benefits!!!!


  1. You can use it as a fresh garnish on pasta, rice or make a pesto.

    1. I didn't use these babies as yet, but now you gave me so much ideas, thank you.

  2. Great post! Learnt a lot about parsley!

  3. I never new plants could be this interesting,I am loving this blog,keep up the great work.

    1. Thank you, feel free to let me know if your interested in a particular topic

    2. How about plants/herbs that cleans and or strengthens the Prostate ? is it possible to do a post with this info.


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