Corpus Christi: The perfect time to plant

Hi everyone, I hope you all got some advice on planting and used it wisely for Corpus Christi. In Trinidad and Tobago Corpus Christi is said to be a great day to plant. The local Agro store in my area was bubbling all day with customers. I also purchased some plants and planted it for the occasion. The first is a tomato  the second is a cucumber plant they both takes approx 5-6 mths to grow and bear. An important point to note, is the spacing between plants, take into consideration the projected size the plant will grow to and ensure there is enough spacing befor planting other plants close by. This is important because it can hinder the size of the the produce will grow to. The cucumber plants are planted close by, however,  these plants grow vertically and vine along the ground in any direction. Did you all plant, let me know?


  1. Heya! I always plant something in my garden for Corpus Christi.. this year I planted a grapefruit, corn & baigan!

    1. Nice, I had some pests attack my baigan and they never bear, watch out for the whiteflies that attack the flowers make sure to monitor and use insecticide.

  2. Good info with the spacing. Why do Trinidadians plant in Corpus Christi?

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  3. An important traditional belief is that, plant growth is affected by the phases of the moon. Thus, Corpus Christi is the ideal day for planting. Hope that helps ;)


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