Birds and Bees: Good or Bad?

As  your garden expands, you will notice a greater influx of birds, bees, flying and crawling insects. First impression these critters are going to damage your plants, then you start to plan your extermination process. Stop!!!! all insects aren't harmful to your plants and are beneficial for the pollination process which enables fertilization. Don't worry about them, they are there for a reason.  Below are some pictures of the creatures I found in my yard. The first image shows a Lacewings insect, both the adult lacewings and their larvae eat aphids, caterpillars, mealybugs, scales, thrips and whiteflies. Angelica, coreopsis, cosmos and sweet alyssum plants will bring lacewings to your garden. The second image, shows two baby black birds, they also contribute to the ecosystem.  They eat insects including  aphids, mosquito, spiders and other bugs and aid in the pollination process. Here's a list of beneficial insects:
1. Bumble
2.Fly Predator
3.Fungus Gnat Predator
4.Lady Beetle
5. Leafminer Parasite
6.Mealybug Destroyer
7. Moth Egg Parasite
8. Pirate Bug
9. Praying Mantis
10. Soilder Bug

Despite the pro's of having insects, some can actually cause adverse damages to your plants. Here's  a list of 12 plants that  repel unwanted insects:

1. Basil
4.Lemon Thyme
5. Mint
6. Rosemary
7. Bay Leaves
8. Chives
9. Dill
10. Fennel
11. Parsley
12. Oregano

If your interested in learning about unwanted pests feel free to let me know!!



  1. Very informative.. didn't know plants such as basil, chive, dill, oregano repel unwanted insects! Learned something new today! Thank ya :)

  2. I can say with great confidence,this blog has taught me a lot.

  3. Thanks for the info.
    Going to plant some lemongrass this weekend.


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