
Tomatoes and pests

These are my 3 lovely tomatoes plants, I haven't had much time to fertilize and take care of them, as a result the produce seem to be a bit small, than usual bearings. If you notice there are hugh weeds all around the plant, this is bad factor because they   aggressively compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, resulting in reduced crop yield and poor crop quality. On the bright side, I'm quite surprise and lucky they weren't attached by any pest or fungus. Below are a few tips which can help you keep your tomatoes healthy and pest free. Here’s how you can protect your tomatoes: Give your plants good soil & fertilizer and regular watering; healthy plants are much more likely to resist diseases and other problems. Keep gardening plots free of weeds and debris where insects can breed and diseases can incubate. Rotate crops so that soil-borne pathogens never have more than a season to get established. Clean your gardening tools and equipment, especially at t

Kale....Did you know?

Botanists call kale Brassica oleracea variety "acephala", which literally means "cabbage of the vegetable garden without a head." A kale plant has green or purple leaves and the central leaves do not form a head. A member of the species Brassica oleracea along with broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, kale maintained its vegetable champion status until the end of the Middle Ages. Until the end of the Middle Ages, kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe.Kale was brought to North America by the colonists in the 16th century. Later, Russian kale was introduced into Canada, and then into the United States, by Russian traders in the 19th century. This plant has an amazing origin and history, can you believe this plant grows in Trinidad? Yes it does the picture below is taken from my garden, if your interested in knowing more about this plant let me know.

How to cultivate Rosemary

Hi guys, Rosemary is an amazing herb, I use it in seasonings especially baking and herbal teas. So here's the conditions for this plant to grow. Try growing these plants and let me know how it goes. Soil:  Plant rosemary in well-drained, loamy soil that is between a pH of six and seven. Sun:  Rosemary needs six to eight hours of sunlight each day. When planting rosemary indoors, be sure that its sunlight needs are met.  Water:   Similar to hardy sage, rosemary is relatively drought-tolerant. Let the soil dry out between each watering; rosemary does its best when the soil is not overly moist. Spacing: R osemary can grow into a thick, large, hedge-like plant, making it necessary to space each plant up to three-feet apart  . Propagation:   Clip a three-inch cutting from the very tip of a stem, remove the leaves one inch from the base, apply rooting hormone on the exposed portion of the stem, and plant it in a rooting mixture that includes both peat moss and vermiculite. Root

Medicinal Benefit and use of Tulsi

Hi guys so I have posted on the Basil plant and its benefit, but did you know that the Tulsi plant is actually a species of the basil plant, amazing isn't it!!!!! It is also known as the Holy Basil, because of it's  great healing power. It is apparent that this plant is native to tropical Asia. It is now regarded by most countries as an adaptogen (anti stress agent) and has been used to promote health throughout the body. So now for the great reveal. The benefits are: 1. Fight Acne 2. Helps Fight Cancer 3. Protects against Diabetes 4. Balance Hormones 5. Relieves Fever 6. Improves Respiratory Disorders 7. Good source of vitamin K 8. Good Dental Care 9. Relieves Headaches 10. Supports eye health To use this, boil quarter cup of tulsi leaves in  water, let it simmer for 10 mins and then strain and enjoy. If you have any questions let me know. Hope you enjoy!!!!

Medicinal Benefits of Lemongrass

Within the Caribbean this plant is locally known as Fever grass. It is shown below in the picture from my garden. Its the tall vertical, slender shrub. The amazing lemon flavour is mainly in the lower bulb part of the plant.  It has amazing benefits, listed below: Treats digestive issues High blood pressure Convulsions Pain Vomiting Cough Fever Kills germs If you're interested in knowing how to use the plant let me know. Check out this link for more info:

Herbal Plants for Prostate Health

Hi, I have a few requests for plants that will strengthen the prostate. There are several health issues that can arise, and affect the prostate including,  Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer .  Here are a few items that can keep the prostate healthy. 1. Saw Palmetto 2.Pumpkin Seeds 3. Flaxseed 4. Green Tea I have also come across some useful medicinal plants that aids directly and cures Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer, which are two of the most prominent health conditions experienced by men. Here they are: 1. Cannabis Oil 2. Lycopene, the red pigment found in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, watermelon, guava and pink grapefruit. 3. Cayenne Pepper 4. Soy 5. Stinging Nettle 6. Black Seed or Black Cumin 7. Soursop I'll place a link, so check out the site for more information. (Source: