Tomatoes and pests

These are my 3 lovely tomatoes plants, I haven't had much time to fertilize and take care of them, as a result the produce seem to be a bit small, than usual bearings. If you notice there are hugh weeds all around the plant, this is bad factor because they aggressively compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, resulting in reduced crop yield and poor crop quality. On the bright side, I'm quite surprise and lucky they weren't attached by any pest or fungus. Below are a few tips which can help you keep your tomatoes healthy and pest free.

Here’s how you can protect your tomatoes:

  1. Give your plants good soil & fertilizer and regular watering; healthy plants are much more likely to resist diseases and other problems.
  2. Keep gardening plots free of weeds and debris where insects can breed and diseases can incubate.
  3. Rotate crops so that soil-borne pathogens never have more than a season to get established.
  4. Clean your gardening tools and equipment, especially at the end of the season, to ensure that they don’t carry over or spread a disease.
  5. Remove unhealthy foliage; pull unhealthy plants to cut down on the spread of problems.
  6. Don’t compost diseased foliage or plants unless you know it is safe to do so.
  7. Don’t use tobacco near tomato plants, to avoid communicating tobacco mosaic virus.
  8. Avoid watering the foliage of your plants, especially in humid climates, as many diseases are encouraged by damp conditions.
If you need  any more information feel free to let me know!!!


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