Medicinal Benefit and use of Tulsi

Hi guys so I have posted on the Basil plant and its benefit, but did you know that the Tulsi plant is actually a species of the basil plant, amazing isn't it!!!!! It is also known as the Holy Basil, because of it's  great healing power. It is apparent that this plant is native to tropical Asia. It is now regarded by most countries as an adaptogen (anti stress agent) and has been used to promote health throughout the body. So now for the great reveal.

The benefits are:

1. Fight Acne
2. Helps Fight Cancer
3. Protects against Diabetes
4. Balance Hormones
5. Relieves Fever
6. Improves Respiratory Disorders
7. Good source of vitamin K
8. Good Dental Care
9. Relieves Headaches
10. Supports eye health

To use this, boil quarter cup of tulsi leaves in  water, let it simmer for 10 mins and then strain and enjoy. If you have any questions let me know. Hope you enjoy!!!!


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