Floral Perfume DIY

Hi guys, I know a few of you requested, how to make perfume from flowers. It's very simple and you can make it with any scented flowers in your garden. Just make sure you don't have any allergic reaction to the items you will be using.  You will need:

1. Scented Flowers
2. Rose water or witch hazel
3. Distilled water
4. Pot to boil in
5. Strainer
6. Spritzer bottle
7. Container (optional)

Here's what you do, gather your flowers, the amount depends on how much you will like to make and the size of your bottle. Thoroughly wash your flowers and set them aside. Place your pot with the distilled water on the stove, on low heat. Place in the flowers and let it simmer till the aroma fills the air, then switch off the stove and let it cool. Pour the water through the strainer to remove the flower particles and into a container. Afterwards pour in approx two tablespoons of the rose water or witch hazel into the container, not much is needed, since this acts as a preserving agent. Finally empty the container into the spritzer bottle and your perfume it ready to be used. Hope you enjoy!!


  1. Very nice! Can this be used as an air freshener too?

  2. So simple! I wouldn't have guessed! Definitely trying this soon :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. How simple! I'll definitely give it a shot.


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